legacy postbit troubles :S


New Member
I'm using the legacy postbit for my 3.7.2 board. I have Thanks 7.7 and vBExperience 3.7.12 level 2.

I have enabled to display the information from thanks and vBE in the postbit but it does not show. What would I have to edit in the code to show these in the postbit?

also how would i edit the code to show the number of threads create by the person next to their post count?
When you say you have enabled it for postbit!

Did you enable it for postbit legacy?

If not you will have to change it for that template too.
there was no code that went along with the product to edit templates... there was a section created in admin cp and it said to enable it
maybe you have heavely customed style so you have to put the code your self maybe in the readme, or post trhe link to the mod you donwloaded so I can figure something out
i'm using an extreme pixel layout (Titanium) i wouldn't say i did a ton of style mods but i did a bit.

i'll post the link to the vbforum post cuz i dled from another site like this one.

The vbexperience i have is version 3.7.12 which could be the problem since the latest is 3.7.17

The post Thank You I am using is version 7.7

don't forget i would also like to know how to display the number of threads created next to the post count
So what exactly are you trying to do? Make the post thank you buttons and info show up? same with vbexperience?

As for thread count, dunno if this would be possible with out a plug in. Depends if the phrase needed is global or not.
the button shows up for the post thank you but the info doesn't. and the info doesn't show up for the vbexperience either