Leaving duplicate namespace declarations with JDOM

I'm trying to read existing xml file, that has duplicated namespace declarations. It is important to me to leave this declarations for further processing. Earlier I was using XERCES implementation of org.w3c.dom api to read such a documents, and all declarations left, but when I started to use JDOM, it started to omit redundant namespace declarations.Here is the sample xml file:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><document xmlns:ns="namespace_uri"> <element1>...</element1> <element2> <ns:child> text </ns:child> <element3 xmlns:ns="namespace_uri"> <ns:child> content </ns:child> </element3></document>\[/code\]I'm building JDOM Document with this code:\[code\]SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();File inputXml = new File(inputFile);jdomInDoc = builder.build(inputXml);\[/code\]Is there any way to force JDOM not to omit redundant namespace declarations?Thank you in advance for yor answers.