Learning curve


Staff member
OK, any designer who keeps up with web 'fashion' knows you don't use tables for layout, deprecated (sp?) tags like <b> and <font>, etc. BUT, 2 years ago I made a web design tutorial (when that stuff was accepted as normal) and it teaches you to use those horrible tags, and, omg, TABLES for layout!! ok, so I haven't used tables for layout in quite a while, and I use style sheets as opposed to <b>, but what about the people learning to design? My tutorial taught several of my friends to design who have no programming bones in their bodies because it was easy; learning all the ins and outs of bandwidth-efficient css isn't. Sooooo, that goes to say, would you suggest learning html the old fashioned, easy way and correcting your mistakes when you become proficient (wow, big word) with it, or jumping up the vertical learning curve of CSS on your first site? (basically, should I redo my tutorial and tell my friends they were shopping at the 70s store? :))<!--content-->Originally posted by _Synk_ <br />
OK, any designer who keeps up with web 'fashion' knows you don't use tables for layout, deprecated (sp?)Depreciated. Tables aren't depreciated though, tables are still perfectly valid, but you should only use them for tabular data.Originally posted by _Synk_ <br />
2 years ago I made a web design tutorial (when that stuff was accepted as normal)Where did you get that idea? CSS has been out since 1997 if I recall correctly (maybe 1996, I'm not sure).Originally posted by _Synk_ <br />
I use style sheets as opposed to <b>You want something emphasised (italic) use an <em> tag, you want to strongly emphasise (bold) something, use a <strong> tag.Originally posted by _Synk_ <br />
My tutorial taught several of my friends to design who have no programming bones in their bodies because it was easy; learning all the ins and outs of bandwidth-efficient css isn't. Sooooo, that goes to say, would you suggest learning html the old fashioned, easy way and correcting your mistakes when you become proficient (wow, big word) with it, or jumping up the vertical learning curve of CSS on your first site?I learned HTML badly first time around, I used hundreds of nested tables in my code and I made it as inaccessible as I could with JavaScript, (of course I didn't know this at the time, I just thought it was cool). Then I had to un-learn all of that and learn it the proper way, now I can do all kinds of crazy things with CSS and XHTML. My point is that if you learn wrong it's then harder to learn proper code. If you skip the old code and go straight into the new it will be easier.<br />
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Once you get used to coding with tables you get used to a particular way of making sites, by slicing up the canvas. CSS offers a totally different way to do it that is better and easier to use, but if you convert from tables you have to forget everything you know and learn a different mind set.<br />
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You don't have to learn any of the advantages of CSS if you use CSS, all you need to know is how to use it. Sure bandwidth-saving is handy, sure you can affect hundreds of pages with a single style, but if you're just learning CSS you don't need to know any of that, that can come later.Originally posted by _Synk_ <br />
(basically, should I redo my tutorial and tell my friends they were shopping at the 70s store? :))Yes.<!--content-->If you learn to use tables for layout, then you have to go back and relearn how to do layouts properly with css. Its much better to tackle them together and get it right the first time. No sence letting users make something, then have to scrap it because it is crap, then remake it.<!--content-->