Learn ASP.NET 2.0?

I need some advice here. I have some developing all the projects using ASP and now would like to go to ASP.NET. I realize that it is now ASP.NET 2.0. So, my question is should I learn ASP.NET 1.x first before ASP.NET 2.0? I have also bought a book which is ASP.NET 2.0. Because I thought if want to buy of course buy the latest version. But then only later realize that, the books need basic of ASP.NET 1.x.*Bump* I am interested on this topic as well.Well I have been taking CS 470 - Human Machine Interfaces (ASP.NET 2.0) and I have never learned either ASP or ASP.NET 1.x. From my experiences in the past, the best advantage of learning the older languages is how to be more independant with your coding considering that a lot of the newer tools were not implemented by their vender. This will obviously make you a better programmer for the situations where pre-implemented tools just wont cut it. BUT if your not interested in the aspect or if you already have a considerable background then its really no good to worry about learning the previous versions. Besides ASP.Net 2.0 has A Lot more power and flexibility.ok, thanks for sharing your thoughts.A decent book on ASP.NET 2.0 will have all the stuff from 1.1 in it aswell. 2.0 added a load of new controls, membership api, sitemap api , webparts (i think), profiles api and the mighty data grid!

There are other, more subtle, differences (cache profiling etc). But you should learn 2.0 also if you are learning C# go for 2005 as this introduces generics (a very useful tool).

You shouldn't worry about learning 1.x, while some hosts don't offer 2.0 you should in general design for 2.0 and mod stuff for 1.x

N.B. While the api's provided are good you will find on larger apps you wont bother with them and will instead create your own naivigation, profile and membership systems so it doesn't matter that much anyway (or as i tend to do with navigation, override the default behaviour). Heck i have even done away with databinding on many of my current apps pages.Serveral differences exist in .net 2.0 from 1.1, some XML methods that worked in 1.1 are now obslete.

What are you talking about on DataBinding?A decent book on ASP.NET 2.0 will have all the stuff from 1.1 in it aswell. 2.0 added a load of new controls, membership api, sitemap api , webparts (i think), profiles api and the mighty data grid!

There are other, more subtle, differences (cache profiling etc). But you should learn 2.0 also if you are learning C# go for 2005 as this introduces generics (a very useful tool).

You shouldn't worry about learning 1.x, while some hosts don't offer 2.0 you should in general design for 2.0 and mod stuff for 1.x

N.B. While the api's provided are good you will find on larger apps you wont bother with them and will instead create your own naivigation, profile and membership systems so it doesn't matter that much anyway (or as i tend to do with navigation, override the default behaviour). Heck i have even done away with databinding on many of my current apps pages.

Thanks. Do you have a good book which got both 1.x and 2.0 for me? I got this book: ASP.NET 2.0 Website Programming: Problem - Design - Solution (Programmer to Programmer) by Marco Bellinaso but this book didn't say much about 1.x and looking at the review in amazon, different ppl say different. What about this thick book, ASP.NET 2.0 Unleashed by Stephen Walther? Suitable for me who know ASP but nothing about ASP.NET?I also have "ASP.NET 2.0 Website Programming: Problem - Design - Solution (Programmer to Programmer) by Marco Bellinaso" but its really more a book about applying 3 tier programming to a solution (using BLL, DAL and interface). I would recommend the Apress Pro ASP.NET in C# 2005 or the beginning ASP.NET in C# 2005 if you haven't done much programming previously. In general i have found the apress better than wrox. If you read one of the apress books and then read the book you currently have it will stand you in a good position to make decent 3 tier websites. (The book you have has some very good "best practice" examples, it does also introduce ASP.NET quite well but skims over some of the more subtle points).

Afterburn, as for databinding I had a page that had various form views etc bound to an object data source (well a few infact). The problem was that not all of the required properties where simple types, for example i was using a List which contained other instances of the original class, each of those instances could have lists and so on. I read a few articles on blogs about getting round this and some suggested creating another class that takes this custom types and stores them in a more databinding friendly way. The other solution was to just to stop using databound controls and datasources and do it all from the code behind. I chosen the latter way and its been so much easier than faffing around with datasources. I do still use them where possible as for basic datatypes they save lots of time, But they dont seem so good for more complex types.

N.B. if you know of a better way of doing it please share, i had thought about generating object data sources dynamically at runtime and then binding dynamically created controls to them but it seemed to be a bit to much effort compared with just doing the updating manually.Thanks dimeric. I notice the books you recommend got C#. I thought C# and ASP.NET is two different programming language. I want to learn and focus more in ASP.NET as I have ASP background but hardly in C.No ASP.NET is the framework, you need to choose a language to do the "code behind" in. The choices are C# or VB.NET (Well in fact you could also use JScript, VbScript, Python and even PHP but C# and VB.NEt are the most popular). In general you should learn C# unless you have a strong history in VB6 as C# developement pays better and (in my opinion) is a much easier language.

Have a look at this page: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://asp.net/getstarted/default.aspx?tabid=61">http://asp.net/getstarted/default.aspx?tabid=61</a><!-- m -->

Download visual web developer express and watch some of the videos on that site, they will give you a good idea of how ASP.NET works.

Failing that, get a "Begining ASP.NET 2.0 With C# 2005" and just work your way through it!No ASP.net is just like ASP, it exposes some basic interfaces to again, output HTML.

ASP allows Request,Response,Server,Session and Application interfaces, .net allows you to use anything in the framework, instead of having to write your own to send email or something of the likes.Ok, so I guess I gotta learn C#. I always afraid to learn new language. Still in grain in me the principles of "just focus to be good in one language". But, gotta consider this C# as you said better pay and easier to use.you should be learning as much as you can, of PHP and other languages, makes you are more valueable asset to companies.ya, i will try. thxya, i will try. thx

Me in the same "problem" lol. Have you learned something? ngaisteve1? If yes, how do you start? and where? wich book? thanks!Here's a beginners guide to setting up a .net web app. It does differ significantly form asp and can take a while to get to grips with the event driven model of .net pages:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.developdesign.co.uk/develop/absBeginners.aspx">http://www.developdesign.co.uk/develop/ ... nners.aspx</a><!-- m -->