LDAP Authentication


New Member
This mod is intended to lower the barriers to using and LDAP directory as an external authentication source for your board. The idea is simple; capture a login attempt before authentication and test it against LDAP first, if that succeeds, see if there is already a matching user in vBulletin. If there is not, create one, using data from the LDAP to fill in the required fields, if there is already a matching user (Determined by comparing email addresses) then update the user.

You might be asking why this mod is better than the two mods Well firstly there are no additional files, and no changes to vBulletin code so installation is simple, and upgrades to vBulletin don't get over complicated by re-applying changes. Secondly, all the settings are controlled from the admincp rather than an external config file. Thirdly (as if two wasn't enough)added some hook points so this mod can be extended, for example to get additional data from the LDAP and put it in user profile fields.

One important similarity with the two earlier mods is that in the admincp and modcp no LDAP authentication is performed, this is a safety feature, so even if the mod or an extending to it, breaks your board, you shouldn't ever get locked out of the admincp so you'll be able to turn if off quickly.

Additional Hooks

The mod is essentially a single plugin (plus options and help) which runs at global_complete which is before most other things have happened, but just after all the global setup has occurred.

The following new hooks are created by this mod:
  • ldap_auth_start - After the list of attributes to fetch has been created, this list is in $ldapAttrs. You can simply add your own attributes to this array here.
  • ldap_auth_all_user - After a new user has been added to vBulletin or existing user has been updated, but before the user has been saved. The new user is in $newuser and the LDAP data is in $userData. This happens before ldap_auth_new_user or ldap_auth_existing_user.
  • ldap_auth_new_user - After a new user has been added to vBulletin, but before the user has been saved. The new user is in $newuser and the LDAP data is in $userData.
  • ldap_auth_existing_user - After an existing user has been updated, but before the user has been saved. The new user is in $newuser and the LDAP data is in $userData.

By requesting new attributes at ldap_auth_start and then applying them at either ldap_auth_all_user, ldap_auth_new_user or ldap_auth_existing_user you can setup your users easily without having to write all the LDAP code yourself!

AdminCP Settings

This mod creates a new options group called LDAP Authentication between email options and user registration options where you set the host name and port number of the LDAP server, the initial authentication type (Anonymous or authenticated), optionally the BindDN and Password for the LDAP server. You also set which attribute matches the vBulletin username (The default is cn which works well for inetOrgPerson based entries). You can set additional attributes to retrieve (If you want to quickly knock up a simple plugin which uses them at one of the hook points above). There is also the facility to disable (or rather make unavailable) accounts which exist in vBulletin but not in LDAP. Given that your initial admin may fall into this group, there is also a list of userids who should be allowed to log in anyway.


  • PHP 4.3+ with LDAP support.