

Hi, ok here's the deal i want like about 200 Download <!--more-->s put in a web page like this <a href="myDownload <!--more-->.zip">my Download <!--more--></a> trouble is i'm too lazy is there an easier way???<!--content-->I wish there was. <huge theatrical sigh> I've got something like 2,000 entriess from a database that need to be put into HTML. It's not something I'm looking forward to finishing up.<br />
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*wg* But if there is an easier way, I'd love to hear it.<br />
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Peg<!--content-->Select over <a href="myDownload <!--more-->.zip"> pus Ctrl+C, then press Ctrl+V 2,000 times. You must edit "myDownload <!--more-->" by hand unless you know computer programming.<!--content-->You could store all the file names and the link text in a database on your home computer, then run a script that takes this data and makes a static HTML page from it, that you then upload to your site. I am trying to find the site that described how to do this. I have seen a few sites that have used this technique and it has cut the workload quite a lot for writing and maintaining the content.<!--content-->I would just do the copy and paste thing. But, there should be some PHP scripts on the net that tell you how to do this.<!--content-->ok, cool thx so far but... i'm not very good at php or much for that matter and i don't know many of the various commands so would somewhere tell me where i could find this magical script?<!--content-->The script that I mentioned is NOT javascript or PHP. It isn't one that goes on the server at all. It is one that takes the database of information that is on your home computer and makes a static HTML web page from it. This is, again, just stored back on your home computer. You then upload just this web page to your web site. I still cannot find the reference to how to do it all though.<!--content-->Ok, kool thx<br />
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i'll start looking. If anyone wants the refrence just reply to this message and i'll post it up if i can find it.<!--content-->