my website contains grid controls filled with data from a huge xml file. Dynamically creating these takes time - so I have been trying for the last two days to better understand the concept of and implement: update panels.I almost got it working.. What bugs me is that when the page loads, it scrolls back to the top after the UpdatePanel has been updated. On the other hand, when I click the button that triggers the async postback manually, everything is fine .. I see the UpdateProgress-icon I defined and after a short time, the grids appear and if I have scrolled down before the UpdatePanel has finished loading, there is no automatic scrolling to the top - just as I want. WHY is the page scrolling back to the top when it is requested for the first time?I tried different ways to fix when the event should be fired
- pageLoad()
- $(document).ready())
- Sys.Application.add_init(function ()
- __doPostBack('<%= hiddenAsyncTrigger.ClientID %>', 'OnClick');
- document.getElementById("hiddenAsyncTrigger").click()
- in codeBehind via ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript