

Good Morning, Don !<br /><br />Did I wake you?<br /><br /><br />Question fer ya :<br /><br /><br /><br />I put [name] in the Lazarus thank you for signing email and added just a little.<br /><br />I clicked Submit, like normal, but in the test signings I did my thank you email<br /><br />came through with [name] instead of my name, and didn't add what I added to it.<br /><br />Whazzup with that?<br /><br />( btw - I like you pet sight. Really a neat site. )<!--content-->
Did you save your changes?<!--content-->
I don't use the thank you email<br />you might ask at the Lazarus forum.<!--content-->
It is [NAME] and not [name].<br /><br />Any other problems feel free to contact me although, as you can see, the TC forums or even the Lazarus forums will probably get you answered quicker.<!--content-->
thanks, carbonize, I believe that is what I did.<!--content-->