Layout problem - tables and divs...


I'm a 'learner' but I'm definitely keen on CSS for the sites I've made myself.<br />
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...however, I've inherited a site to update with no css and which uses tables for layout and I'm struggling.<br />
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(I will eventually switch to css for this site too but it will take a while and meanwhile it needs some urgent work)<br />
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The site is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> and it's the reviews and photos page that I'm having problems with.<br />
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I can replicate the format with text alongside photos but I now have a panorama format photograph that I want to put in above the text and I can't figure out how to do that.<br />
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I'm getting in a muddle with tables and divs<br />
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would anyone give me some clues please<br />
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thanks so much<br />
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Diane<!--content-->I'm going to assume you're putting the images and text inside table cells. I couldn't visit your site before I wrote this so I'm going a little blind.<br />
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If you want the text to appear below the image, just make sure it's contained in a table cell of equal width to the image. That forces the browser to place all other elements in the next available space, which is below the image like you want.<br />
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You could accomplish the same thing using DIVs, just enter the following code into the DIV tag:<br />
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<div style="width: [enter image width]px;"><br />
<image src= ><br />
text, blah blah blah<br />
</div><br />
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EXAMPLE: style="width: 100px;"<br />
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It should work on all 4.0 and newer browsers. Even NS 4.x.<!--content-->