Layout Help Needed

Recently I'm redesigning a webpage for my employer. He has made the page in such a way that it includes all the information in one page, which makes it pretty lengthy. There are also drop menus to replace a few sub items inside.<br />
Now he wants me to redesign the page.<br />
Restrictions:<br />
1. Must put all information in one page<br />
2. Must not be too lengthy as it makes the outlook ugly.<br />
3. Must make it so that it can be edited by novice using Dreamweaver.<br />
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The above restriction arise because my employers' subordinates are to do the updating, and they are not much familiar with source codes.<br />
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Now I have a problem. This is a real headache as I cannot use movable layers (dhtml) nor can I use multiple pages. Does anyone has a better suggestion?<!--content-->Use a small font (size=1) and an easy to read font face (Verdana) to reduce the physical length of the page. Reduce the overall amount of words as much as possible.<br />
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Besides that I can't think of anything else and still comply with the restrictions. <br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->can you use flash? it stays on 1 page!<!--content-->Kelvin: <br />
Actually I also thought about reducing the size. But there I come to realise that the font size is already as small as 1! Reducing the number of words can't possibly be done cause I'm only allowed to change the layout..<br />
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Mark:<br />
Sorry but flash won't work. They don't even have Flash software there, and they don't even know how to produce flash animation. Just consider they can't even read source codes.....<br />
If I suggest flash they will say they can't maintain....<br />
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I need other suggestions....<!--content-->Originally posted by Puzzledkid <br />
Restrictions:<br />
1. Must put all information in one page<br />
2. Must not be too lengthy as it makes the outlook ugly.<br />
3. Must make it so that it can be edited by novice using Dreamweaver.<br />
ouch<br />
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too much info crammed into 1 page. Not good. Anyone could edit multiple pages in DW. Besides... convincing him to let you create a better layout will keep you on the payroll longer.<br />
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I hate frames, but maybe you could created a framed page.... with nav on left/top<br />
and content in the other area. The 'subordinates' could edit the frame info pages, but never touch the actual main/nav page. It'd be a win/ win situation for all.<!--content-->I knew that using frame is a good way of doing, but they are already using frames. @_@<br />
And worse still, they wanna "move away from frames".<br />
Well for this restriction I really hack care.<br />
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But the main problem still remains: Gotta put all info in one page.<br />
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They say they've got too many pages to maintain, and don't intend to get a bigger number out of it.<br />
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-_-<br />
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Any better ones?<!--content-->well, give them what they ask for. A long list of info crammed onto 1 page with the smallest font size possible. <br />
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When they complain about that, let them know what else you can do for them.<br />
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BTW, their website is going to grow..... they should know this.<!--content-->The visitors will need glasses ;)<br />
Or use popup windows.<br />
Short info on the page, more in the pop ups.<br />
I use 3 popups on this page:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
where is written: Wat korte Info<!--content-->petervazed:<br />
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Don't you agree that pop-ups is gonna add a few more files to the statistics?<br />
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If I'm allowed to add pop-ups then I might as well separate the page into pages.<br />
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Well maybe the visitors need binoculars when they read.<br />
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^_^<br />
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If anyone else has better idea please let me know<!--content-->my idea is slap your boss. Really. That person needs to wake up. <br />
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WHat if this info needed to be published in print? Would your boss just say 'cram it all into 1 brochure!" ??<br />
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Your boss is trying to go for the quick, cheap fix. And you know the saying.... <br />
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'You get what you pay for.'<!--content-->No subject?<br />
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Why has this thread no subject?<!--content-->It has now. It seems Doc had a problem replying to this thread and merged his reply, but it never contained a subject. No problem caused and easily fixed :). at least he got his reply in. good effort Doc. :)<!--content-->Hahaha.....<br />
A slap is gonna cost my job pal.<br />
Yeah but that's quite true, I can't possibly think of another way too. Maybe I'll just tell him that there's no way that it can be done.<br />
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Thanks for replying man<!--content-->oops, sorry about deleting the subject! ha!<br />
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And ok, don't slap your boss..... but with the options he has give you, your too limited.<!--content-->