Layout and tables


What I'm trying to achieve is to have the background image in the center, which I have already done. This is going to be an intro. page. I'm gonna have a "enter" picture to go in the center. But that's besides the ponit. What I'm trying to achieve is to make the page look like it has black border around it. I have done that by coloring the scrollbars black and making some <td>'s with a black background. The problem I'm having is the "whole" in the top left corner of the page, the space between the td's. Any sugestions for an easier way, or solutions to this problem are appreciated. Thanks<br />
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Here's the link : <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->I would take my graphics editor and make a black border around my background picture. This is very easy to do with something like PhotoDraw. Granted the border may be a different size in a 1024*768 view than a 800*600 view with that solutution (as the background gets resized to fit). But that would be an easy workable solution with a lot less html (like none).<!--content-->You need to set your body margins to "0px" in your CSS.<!--content-->Beach bum, you're right, but the reason i even thought about doing a border was becasue i wanted my page to be the same on all sides. If i could eliminate the scroll bar, i wouldn't even need a border, and like you said, diff. resolutions would see it differently.<br />
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Klyve1, yah, I need to do that, but I dun't know how. Thats why i have my tables going in negative px's. lol. That's pretty stupid, but it worked I guess. I'd appreciate you telling me how to do that.<br />
Second, would that solve the "space between "tds" problem"? I don't see how. That is my main concern, is there anyway, to get rid of that empty space?<br />
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Heres the link again: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->I've played around with this but can only get it with no border at all! This is using CSS.<!--content-->Well thanks for your help. If i dont figure it out soon i think im just gonna make a black image and absolute-position it, and forget this crap.<br />
You never said how to set body margins to 0.<br />
Thanks<br />
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BTW, I looked at your homepage and the main tables...their border looks really cool. Is that a certain style of border (if that can be done with CSS) or how do you do that?, if you don't mind me askin?<!--content-->Sorry....<br />
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margin: 0px;<!--content-->Of course I don't mind you askin...... tellin however ! :>)<br />
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It's all done with images and CSS with 1x1 transparent images for placement.<!--content-->Thanks, i was just wonderin 'bout those borders, they just look cool, thanks for all your help.<!--content-->Hi,<br />
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I think you've got your cellpadding and cellspacing in the wrong places.<br />
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Put them in the table tag: i.e.<br />
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<table width="1250" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><br />
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Also you've spelt them both wrong anyway.<br />
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Why not use CSS and do away with the tables altogether.<br />
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Paul<!--content-->Originally posted by minulescu <br />
If i could eliminate the scroll bar, i wouldn't even need a border <br />
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I assume you are talking about IE that for some silly reason adds a vertical scrollbar even if not needed?<br />
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In that case, try this<br />
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html, body { overflow-y: auto } (remark: overflow-y is invalid CSS.)<br />
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That will make it behave just as Mozilla (ie no scrollbar if it's not needed)<!--content-->thanks<br />
that makes it a lot easier. Putting black tables and "dirty" stuff like that was my only idea. This is way better tho.<!--content-->