Laying out menus...


Okay. I give up. No tables for me. Bad code monkey. From what I've seen lately, it's not like I was the only one to try, but I've learned my lesson.

I can't get what I want with tables, so it's off to CSS Land I go. But, because I'm still somewhat relatively new to all this (i.e. coding this crap, without the benefit of breaking down and buying a graphical program like FrontPage), I'm probably going to need some help.

But sadly, there is none to be found. I barely find any mention of DIV tags at all. What I need is:

1. What, exactly, can I do with DIV?
2. How do I use CSS to make each DIV go exactly where I freaking want it to go, and proportionately, no less?

It's not like I'm asking folks here to make a tutorial. I want one, but I can't find one to do what I want. But... if the folks here want to point to a site (or even a thread on this forum that has somehow eluded me) that talks about this sort of thing in slightly better detail, I desperately need help.

Is there any hope...?CSS positioning (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)What, exactly, can I do with DIV?Just for a moment, forget the div element.
CSS can be used on every element you have, for example:h1{
position: absolute;
top 30px;
text-align: center;
}...will center your h1 element and position is 30 pixels away from from the top of your document.

Div is used as a kind-of hold all, that you can put anything from lists to headers to groups of paragraphs in, they are often used to contain different sections of a document but they aren't striclty nessersary for a simple page.
benefit of <snip/> FrontPage
There is absolutely no benifit whatsoever in purchasing front page, it is a terrible program and should be avoided at all costs.Just for a moment, forget the div element.
CSS can be used on every element you have, for example:h1{
position: absolute;
top 30px;
text-align: center;
}...will center your h1 element and position is 30 pixels away from from the top of your document.

Div is used as a kind-of hold all, that you can put anything from lists to headers to groups of paragraphs in, they are often used to contain different sections of a document but they aren't striclty nessersary for a simple page.
Ah. So... BODY, in fact, can be a container (to use the vernacular), and I could place individual "blocks" (like DIVs) inside of it.

And, if I define the BODY attributes (height, width, etc.), the attributes within the BODY of other "blocks" (DIV, or even P) can be relative to the dimensions of the BODY.

So... if I set the BODY to, say, "X" pixels across, then I can say that a series of DIVs within it have a size that is a percentage of the BODY size? Is that right?

There is absolutely no benifit whatsoever in purchasing front page, it is a terrible program and should be avoided at all costs.

Well... if you're only interested in cranking out a webpage without much thought about what you wanted to put there, I guess I could see someone getting it.

Also, there is the newbie syndrome. I almost wanted to get it, simply because the two dozen or so times I've tried to get the layout the way I wanted, I've failed. The learning curve on making things go where they need to go is ridiculous; I kind of thought it'd be a bit easier to tell HTML "put this box-thing here; put this one next to the first; etc."

Or, maybe that was before I was using CSS to actually tell it to do that...set the body to x pixels? how would you do that? :confused: :eek:set the body to x pixels? how would you do that? :confused: :eek:

width: xpx;
}uhh... why exactly would you do that? :confused:I dont know how to answer that questionWell it could save on using another container, if of course you wanted one.i see,

yeah, it's all about cntrolling your layout. Rather than using a table to set the dimensions for the content of the entire page simply set the dimesions of the page/body itself.HTML Goodies (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)
W3 Schools (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)
MSDN (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _entry.asp</a><!-- m -->)

Some of the ones I used...