laying it all out....


I'm working with a desktop-like feature which contains "nodes" (icons) located at (x,y) coordinates. The nodes function as a multi-linked list data structure with their links. I'm looking for a little advice on how to lay these suckers out on an html page, which is exported by the software. I've considered trying an xml - xslt approach, but I don't know if the style sheet can help, as the xml offers node positions, but I still need to imbed the html into the style sheet to move the nodes to their respective positions. <br />
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Like I mentioned, I'm just looking for ideas or suggestions, as I'm a little puzzled. <br />
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Help appreciated in advance,<br />
NorelcoSmooth<!--content-->Bit difficult to visual exactly what it is you are working with. Any sample screenshots and data list? I have an idea that would require the use of php and in particular the GD module, although I can't say if this would be the most efficient manner.<!--content-->I can't visualize what you are talking about either -- but you mention x.y coordinates, and that makes me think that you want to be able to control their location on an object level.<br />
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I haven't played with this much at all and am not really sure it'll help what you are talking about, but .net has someinteresting things you can do with user defined objects in XML.<br />
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If you are dynamically placing text or numbers based on these x.y coordinates you have mentioned, then defining an object that can can essentially define it's own coordinates would be an interesting way to approach it -- migh be more work than it's worth tho.<br />
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But I may be missing your point completely.<br />
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-beth<!--content-->Are you trying to export to an HTML doc or create HTML dynamically based on the nodes' coordinates?<!--content-->Yeah, that's my question too. . . .<br />
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I don't get what you're trying to do.<br />