Layers problem in AOL viewing


I am working on a redesign and I am using layers. I do not have prevent overlaps checked, and on a normal browser there is no problem. However my client is an AOL user and she is having major problems. The background layer does not go deep enough for the text, therefore the text "falls off the background". I know this should NOT be happening but I have no idea how to fix it. Any ideas?<br />
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Thanks!<!--content-->I had a similiar type of problem with a website I was working on and it wasn't just AOL browsers either. My problem was almost the opposite, the text on different layers would run into one another and over-lap etc.. I tried everything to cure it without success. <br />
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It seems that some browsers and browser set-ups have problems with layers. In the end I re-designed the website I was setting up to use tables and I now avoid layers like the plague!<br />
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Try using tables insteads, because the vast majority of browser support tables now.<br />
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Hope that's helpful to you.<!--content-->