layers not active in Netscape


Hi,<br />
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I have a question on Netscape 6.2 and layers. There are two sites I've done using Dreamweaver:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Second one is attached to this post, please do have a look. <br />
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The problem is, I'm using dropdown menus using the show-hide layer property. It's working for both sites in IE, but in Netscape, the changes are not visible. Is there something wrong with the logic, or is it incorrect code? <br />
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Links with dropdowns in Bradley Lambert:<br />
Practice Areas, About Us<br />
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The second file, pls view in IE first to see how the images change on mouseover the links, so then you can see the problem in NS.<br />
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Thanks in advance.<br />
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PS If mrkite reads this, in one of my posts you'd replied that you have an article on layers being called something more correct. Could you pls direct me to that article so I can have a read? Thanks!<!--content-->