Layers and loading stuff in them


HI!<br />
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i think i may have narrowed it down some, this iframe thing someone suggested, seems to be more trouble than its worth, so i want to work in layers. Now, dr.web said that you could have remote urls loaded into layers, i guess when you click a button, which is what i want.<br />
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My question then is how>? i looked around here, and i can't see anything that is really concrete on how to do it.<br />
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can i just get a simple answer on how to load a html document in to a layer, when a button somewhere is pressed.<br />
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Is it like a frame with a target=name ?<br />
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pleasehelp!<!--content-->try these links... (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<br />
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you can use layers like frames.... but I think you might want to explore everything that they can offer you BEFORE you decide to use them.<br />
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this one from <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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