Layer Help?


I am not an expert on layers and i need a bit of help see the navigation menu and afilliate menu on my site. (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->) Well I need to put in another menu like those in between them. Could someone view the soucre, figure out how and post here or aim me sn: sk8cam8<!--content-->it's really not a layer situation. just duplicate the code you have for the navigation section and put it in between that and the affiliate section. it's lucky that you're using DIVs (the recommended way these days), because it would be a lot harder to do that as table data.<br />
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i'd post the code myself, but you'll do yourself a favor and learn by learning. identify the block of code; it's easy to figure out if you look at it. you're looking for a DIV that encompasses all of the elements included in the navigation block. copy & paste, then change it to your liking. it's that simple.<!--content-->