launching pop up with scrollbar


I'm doing this website that launches as pop up window of 800x600 with script embedded into swf. I've got 4 buttons that links to different html pages. Now, the problem I'm having is that the height of 2 pages is greater than 600 and the page gets cut out. Is there a way to add html coding to some of these pages so when it opens up a scrollbar is added?<br />
<br />
I'm including the html code of a typical page:<br />
<br />
<HTML><br />
<HEAD><br />
<TITLE>clientsmac</TITLE><br />
</HEAD><br />
<BODY bgcolor="#000000"><br />
<!-- URL's used in the movie--><br />
<A HREF=></A> <br />
<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"<br />
codebase="http://Download <!--more-->,0,0,0"<br />
WIDTH=760 HEIGHT=555><br />
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="clientsmac.swf"> <PARAM NAME=loop VALUE=false> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#4A4A00> <EMBED src="clientsmac.swf" loop=false quality=high bgcolor=#4A4A00 WIDTH=760 HEIGHT=555 TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=" <!--more-->/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash"></EMBED><br />
</OBJECT><br />
</BODY><br />
</HTML><!--content-->how are you opening the popup?<!--content-->I'm using something called smartclip with this action attached to it:<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
on (release) {<br />
getURL ("'" add url add "','" add winName add "','width=" add winW add ",height=" add winH add ",top='+((screen.height/2)-(" add winH/2 add "))+',left='+((screen.width/2)-(" add winW/2 add "))); void(0);");<br />
}<!--content-->then it should already do it. it isn't like you told the window to not have the scrollbar. you can try to add scrollbars=1 or scrollbars=yes in that code and it should give them to you. other than that the page has to be small enough to give it to you. if the flash is smaller then the window, the browser will not give you the scroll bar.<br />
<br />
on (release) {<br />
getURL ("'" add url add "','" add winName add "','scrollbars=yes,width=" add winW add ",height=" add winH add ",top='+((screen.height/2)-(" add winH/2 add "))+',left='+((screen.width/2)-(" add winW/2 add "))); void(0);");<br />
}<!--content-->Yes, it worked.<br />
<br />
Thank you very much for your help :bounce:<!--content-->you betcha<!--content-->