Launching Pop Up Windows


Staff member
I am currently creating a site that acts as a database. Essentially a few data pages with an awful lot of navigation pages. The problem i am having is that some of the data overlaps. So the navigation essentially needs to point to two different places.

The person I am building this for would like to see a pop up window in this situation advising of the overlap and giving links to the different data sources.

What I want to achieve is launching the POP up window with generic text and specified links with Javascript/DHTML from within an HTML structure like this

<OPTION VALUE="#">the pop up window javascript with links</OPTION

eg. the option tags are part of a jump menu.

I am confident with HTML but Javascript is reasonably new to me. I have used free code from the internet before in my sites but never had to code any by hand.

Does anyone know if this is possible?

What code I need to use?

Where the code should sit on the page?
ie <HEAD> or <BODY> or before </OPTION>

If this isn't possible an alternative approach

Thankyou for your help in anticipation.
