This might seem a silly question, but I don't want to run any risks
OK, I know last_insert_id returns the last ID generated by an AUTO_INCREMENT field. But is that from the client's perspective, or from the database's perspective?
Ie, if I do an insert, wait a while, and in the mean time someone else does another insert, THEN I call last_insert_id(), I'd like to be sure that I get the ID that MY insert generated - not the one generated for the other person... CAN I be sure about this?

OK, I know last_insert_id returns the last ID generated by an AUTO_INCREMENT field. But is that from the client's perspective, or from the database's perspective?
Ie, if I do an insert, wait a while, and in the mean time someone else does another insert, THEN I call last_insert_id(), I'd like to be sure that I get the ID that MY insert generated - not the one generated for the other person... CAN I be sure about this?