Know of any good or popular Music/midi/mp3 web page players...


Aside from windows media player and the real player, what would all of you say is the best and/or most popular players that people use to listen to music/midi/mp3s on web sites?<br />
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I am interested in making one of my sites as cross-player compatable as humanly possible...<br />
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and of course having a stop/play button available for my visitors is a definate must ( i wouldn't want to 'force' anyone to listen to music from my site if they wish to listen totheir own music files - that would no doubt p__s them off )<br />
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What do you say?<!--content-->well you ony have 3 so choose all of them if you want cross-compatibility.<br />
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windows media player<br />
real player<br />
quicktime<!--content-->thanx scoutt!<br />
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btw, wasn't there some sort of cresendo player at some point? i remember vaguely of someone mentioning it a couple years ago but didnt do much research on it...<br />
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when i tried searching for it, i get links to but that site always times out on me...<br />
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do you think that if that is an actual player that anyone uses it nowadays?<!--content-->Well, when I listen to things like the radio via the internet, I prefer to use Winamp by nullsoft<br />
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Aaron<!--content-->I vaguely remember a cresendo player but not sure if it is still around. I never seen it on a website since then. so not many people use it.<br />
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Aaron, we are talking about plug-ins to the webpage. I don't believe winamp has a plugin.<br />
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stick with the most common and you won't have any problems. most browsers come with those plugins built in so nothing special is needed.<!--content-->thanx scoutt, preciate it :)<!--content-->you could always try embedding ur tracks into flash. 97% of all internet users have the flash player installed. I dont know much abt streamin content in flash though. Mite wanna check it out.<!--content-->