Keywords show up twice in code


New Member
I am new to building and editing sites. I just changed about forty sites and I noticed that the meta keywords are at the top and in the middle of the page for some of the pages. If I change the keywords at the top do I need to change them in the middle too? Each site has seven pages, so I'd rather not change them all.

Thanks Are you referring to meta keywords or it is about the keywords in the web page? I am referring to the meta keywords. It is duplicated on some of the pages. I always thought all the source pages show the meta title, meta keyword and meta description at the top, but it is not repeated anywhere else on that page. Not sure what you're referring to when you mention "in the middle of the page" - can you elaborate a bit? Is it visible text on the page?

Are they located elsewhere besides inside the head element (between the <head> and </head> tags)? Meta tags are some codes with defined structure that you only can insert them between
<header> ..... </header> . so there is not any other way for inserting them in another place of web pages. the pages in dreamweaver have about 100-125 lines. within the first ten lines is the meta title, keywords and description. The meta keywords and description are duplicated on about line 70. The website has 7 pages and this is only done in 2 pages. I hired someone to do it so I just now saw it was there. I changed the tags, so they are different tags. I'm guessing it won't hurt but I'm new so I thought I should ask. Thanks Have you tried validating the code?

Personally, I'd remove the second instance - it's only 2 pages.