Keyword ranking without crawled index


New Member
One of our site not crawled index its ranking keyword using inner page.

If any one know this issue please explain me.

Our keywords also dropped from 1st page. How long were you ranked. for. How old is the site? That's a bit odd... The index page is not indexed yet the inner page is ranking in SERP for it's targeted keyword/s. Can we see your site? There are many factors that affects to why your index page is not indexed but the inner page/s is/are. This has never happened to me before. Quite strange enough! How this can be possible. When G came to your inner pages then they would have surely crawled every single page.

Better if you submit a sitemap in Google. That's not possible dear, its should be index so that it will crawled by the search engine. Never heard a stories about that. I will check that. This is really a very strange issue. How can Google rank a website without crawling it? Please share with us your keywords so that we can understand whats going on with your site! This is very has never happened...quite strange What is your website name