Keyword Density


New Member
I always heard about Keyword Density, with my own opinion, keyword density is a percentage of keyword with how many times appeared on a web page. how about you? any thoughts about this? check the dictionary on "density", then you will know that what you tell if correct keyword density = how many times you write about your "keyword" compared to the other text you have on your website

so if you only typed your keyword once every 100 words... you would have a keyword density of 1% Keyword Density is the percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears on a web page compared to the total number of words on the page. For doing Keyword Research and to find out keywords - this tool from from Google was always the amazing one - Google Adwords: Keyword Tool. We have to use the keyword within proper keyword density (less than 5%) keyword density is just the past... (in the past you can get higher ranking by stuffing keyword).. write for your reader.. not for search engine...

___________________________________________ Quote: Originally Posted by Jeff Collision Keyword Density is the percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears on a web page compared to the total number of words on the page. For doing Keyword Research and to find out keywords - this tool from from Google was always the amazing one - Google Adwords: Keyword Tool. We have to use the keyword within proper keyword density (less than 5%) Jeff has already said well Green rep added. I think these ones are a good references.

Keyword Density: Frequently Asked Questions

Top Ten SEO Mistakes <-- not exactly about keyword density but it is worth to read Keyword density is important because search engines use this information to sort out a site's theme, and to determine which terms the site is relevant to. The perfect keyword density will help you to achieve higher search engine positions. But stuffing keyword should be balanced correctly (if the density is very low then you cannot get the proper benefit and if its too high then your page might get flagged for “keyword spamming”) i dont know that google considers that but you got to have good content with keywords in that not mean to say that rich keyword content but still you want to have your primary and secondary keywords in there in the content that,s my experience. Keyword density is a combination of the number of times a keyword or a keyword phrase, in proportion with other words, appears on a Web page. The more times the keyword appears in relation to the total number of on page words, the greater the overall keyword density. The more times that other words appear, the lower the proportion of keywords, resulting in a lighter keyword density. Keyword Density Formula

Keyword Density = ([Keyword Count]*100)/(Total Word Count]

For example, let’s say that you have a 500 word article about