Keeping text from moving left when favorites window opens?


Hi, This is pretty basic. I read through an online tutorial for an answer but didn't see one.<br />
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I'm creating my first website and I'm having trouble keeping text on the right side of the page from moving to the left side and down a line when the favorites window is opened. What causes this? I suspect this is a margin settings problem (what do I set this for?) but, being new to html, I'm not sure. I notice that text links I put in <TABLE(S)> running the width of the page don't react this way. Should I put everything in <TABLE(S)>?<br />
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Overall, I'm happy with the design and would like to fix the problem with straight html without messing with it (the design) too much, if I can. Like I said, this is pretty basic (I think) and I don't expect anyone here will have too much trouble knowing what to suggest. Thanks.<br />
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mike<!--content-->Thank you, Dave. I see how the css tag you posted sets the margins however no measurement value I put in seems to preserve the original page layout. (In other words: the text still be a-****-eyed and I is a fearn' the worst.) Actually, now I don't even have to open the favorites folder to get "re-flow".<br />
Please, somebody tell me this doesn't mean I have to specify the margins w/ the css tag before I write the html.<!--content-->Uhm, if I understand the problem right the same thing would happen if you down-sized the browser window. When you open the favorites pane the available space gets smaller. That leads me to believe that you have designed the page to fit your browser size and resolution in a way that doesn't scale. That's not good and you have to rethink.<br />
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Sorry if I misunderstood. :)<!--content-->I tried Dave's DTD (and still might use it later) but for now I opted to put all the text that was moving when I opened the favorites window in one big TABLE. This had the effect of cancelling out some of my font attributes and the text is now all out of line but there is no change now when I open the favorites window. I'm thinking the text is out of line because the # of space symbols (&nbsp;) now have to be adjusted so the text will fit neatly in the TABLE. The font attributes, while I have no idea why they would be cancelled out, hopefully can be restored once I get the text straightened out. Does it make sense to proceed with this attempted fix or am I doomed to failer because I don't understand html enough? Hope I'm on the right track.<!--content-->For the record, that wink emoticon was supposed to be the html symbol for a space & n b s p ; not a smiley.<br />
Sorry, don't see anyway to turn off Smilies.<!--content-->Originally posted by Dave Clark <br />
A TABLE partitions off its own presentation space and, as such, outside font specifications don't usually effect table cell contents. You will either need to specify such things as table styles, cell styles, or individual settings in the text itself -- within the cells.<br />
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Dave <br />
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HeHe...That would make perfect sense if my font specifications were on the outside of the TABLE. Oh, what a tangled web we weave. ;)<!--content-->It's like I have no control over my text when the favorites folder is opened-- it all wants to be displayed on the page so it gets scrunched up. Then when I put everything in a table to control it, nothing wants to line up properly within the table. I inserted the DTD that Dave recommended but I'm not sure where this goes: body { position: relative; width: 6in }. I already have a CSS tag at the begining to turn off underline links. Do I put it within those brackets or does it get a seperate pair of brackets? Is there any way to do a web page in PURE html without text jumping to the left and down a line when the favorites window is opened?<!--content-->Hi,<br />
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Do you have your tables width in percentage or controlled size. If it's set at width="100%", or whatever, then it will fit the screen size 100% and may be causing the "scrunching effect". If it's coded width=650 then it will shift your page over and you will most likely have a scroll bar on the bottom to go right until the favorites menu is gone.<br />
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Hope this helps,<br />
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Allan<!--content-->Originally posted by ScreamingCows <br />
Hi,<br />
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Do you have your tables width in percentage or controlled size. If it's set at width="100%", or whatever, then it will fit the screen size 100% and may be causing the "scrunching effect". If it's coded width=650 then it will shift your page over and you will most likely have a scroll bar on the bottom to go right until the favorites menu is gone.<br />
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Hope this helps,<br />
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Allan <br />
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The unruly text is no longer in a table because I couldn't get it all to line up properly within it. (I wasn't set at % when I had the table.) I reverted back to my original design with the center text outside two tables containing text links running the width of the page (height=30) --one above, one below. I can get the text to look just fine when the favorites folder is closed but every time it's opened the untabled text wants to jump left. I searched this forums entire history and not one thread discusses a problem exactly like this. it's totally frustrating.<!--content-->Hi,<br />
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You will probably need to place it in a table. You can have tables within tables to keep everything in place. If you post your url, it is easier to see the problem and view the the source code to make it right than by trying to explain on here :) <br />
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Allan<!--content-->Originally posted by ScreamingCows <br />
Hi,<br />
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You will probably need to place it in a table. You can have tables within tables to keep everything in place. If you post your url, it is easier to see the problem and view the the source code to make it right than by trying to explain on here :) <br />
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Allan <br />
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There is no url yet. I'm using notepad and saving the source code in my documents.<!--content-->Originally posted by ScreamingCows <br />
You will probably need to place it in a table. You can have tables within tables to keep everything in place. <br />
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Of cource you shouod never abuse <table> for creating general page layout in the first place and nesting them is even worse.<br />
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In any case, opeing the sidebar will always affect how the webpage looks and flows, at least on smaller resolutions.<br />
The best be is thus to design a layout that doesn't break when the window changes size.<!--content-->Originally posted by Stefan <br />
Of cource you shouod never abuse <table> for creating general page layout in the first place and nesting them is even worse.<br />
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In any case, opeing the sidebar will always affect how the webpage looks and flows, at least on smaller resolutions.<br />
The best be is thus to design a layout that doesn't break when the window changes size. <br />
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Are there any html rules for doing this? Because inserting the DTD code has had no effect. You think the html tutorial I read would have dealt with this but it didn't.<!--content-->I had it in the wrong place before. Now when I open the favorites folder everything stays put. However I noticed a strange behavior resulting from the following line of code (let's see if I can post this):<br />
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<TITLE></TITLE><br />
</HEAD><br />
<BODY BGCOLOR="#3333CC"><A HREF="C:\My Documents\hello\page4.html"><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF" SIZE="7"><I><B>SITENAME.COM</I></B></FONT></A><FONT COLOR="#FFFF00"><I><B>text : ifre dertgfr okujgtr to a friend!</B></I><br />
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If I leave the bold tags on the text ending in the word "friend", the word "friend!" jumps to the left and down one line. If I take out the bold tags the word "friend" stays on the same line as the other text. I think this is the key to my text control problem. Does anyone know what's going on here?<!--content-->Originally posted by Dave Clark <br />
Bold text (in a proportional font) takes up more horizontal space than non-bold text does. Then, include the fact that you are also italicizing that same text. Both of those have the potential to change the width of the face of a proportional font.<br />
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Dave <br />
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First, I want to say everything you told me to do was correct. Everytime I came back here and posted "It didn't work" was because I didn't know exactly how to apply it. But I would keep making little adjustments-- reinserting the DTD code you gave in different places...and sure enough I started to gain more control over the page. Just a few minutes ago, I decided to tackle the text problem (described above) that included the word "friend!". It turns out the fix was only a value adjustment in this code you gave me:<br />
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body { position: relative; width: 6in }<br />
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I changed the 6 to an 8 on a whim-- a newbie's blind attempt at a fix-- and wouldn't you know it: it worked. I haven't decided whether to go with a table for the center text or to leave it open but all that remains is to reinsert the text into the table. thanks for sticking with me. I'll most surley recommend these forums to others.<!--content-->