Keeping Font size constant


Hello everyone,

I'm wondering how I can "lock" the text I use to remain in the same size no matter what a user has set for font size and resolution in their computer properties section.

Right now when a user decides to increase the system DPI from 96 to 120 my sites text is much larger therefor screwing with the layout.

I have noticed sites like that their text size remains the same no matter what settings you use

Can anyone help with this issue?You're actually fighting two things that make the best strategy creating a layout that DOESN'T break with text size changes. What you mention is less common than users changing text size in their browsers, which you can't control in any consistent way.Well all I need for now is like a quick fix until my redesign is all done.

I plan to allow for full liquidity in my new layout....just wondered if there was something I could do about it in the meantime.Maybe try pt sizes instead of px, or vice versa?The only thing I believe you can do is use px, which I hear will cause IE to lock the font size. AFAIK no other browser works that way.