Keeping an SQL database when exporting a Java application?


New Member
I'm using the Netbeans IDE and the application works fine when running in Netbeans.Basically, when I compile the program as a Jar the application starts up normally but when I attempt to get to the portion of the program which needs to connect to the database there is no output. In Netbeans however I'm able to get the output from the database.When I run the application in Netbeans with the database turned off, I'm getting the error:\[code\] : Error connecting to server localhost on port 1527 with message Connection refused: connect.\[/code\]If the database is started the application works normal in Netbeans. Basically I'm asking how do I run this outside of Netbeans. Sorry for a newbie question :) UPDATE:I went to properties of the the projectand the Java DB Driver is in the Compile Libraries still doesn't seem to be working outside of Netbeans.