keep my web page at same position after submit


is it possible in an asp application to redisplay my web page at the same position it was at when a submit button was clicked? I want to add a submit button that will open up additional fields for input, but i don't want the page to redisplay at the top, i want the user to be looking at the same part of the page he was at when he hit the submit button. Can that be done?<br />
Thanks!<!--content-->thank you very much, dave<!--content-->what if it's not asp? it is php and html.<br />
here is what my code looks like:<br />
<br />
echo "<form action='Process.htm?sPId=10&x=".microtime()."' method=post > <br />
<td align=center valign=middle><font size=-1> <br />
<input type=submit name=submit value='Completed'> <br />
<input type=hidden name=sCompleted value='".$x."::".$sReportDataId."'> <br />
</font> <br />
</td> <br />
</form>"; <br />
<br />
is it possible to use scroll in this case?<!--content-->Dave, your code works great but I can't figure out how to save the y-coordinate value at the time of submit, to plug into the scrollPosition variable--please help<!--content-->PERFECT! thanks again<!--content-->