Keep moving controls lower on the page as the grid view above grows in height


New Member
I have a \[code\]GridView\[/code\] in a panel, and then I have another panel below this one with some controls in it. Let's call the two panels \[code\]pnlGrid\[/code\] and \[code\]pnlLower\[/code\]. The html is like so:\[code\] <asp:Panel id = "pnlGrid"> <!-- Grid View here --></asp:Panel><asp:Panel id = "pnlLower"> <!-- Other controls here --></asp:Panel>\[/code\]As rows are added to the grid, the height of the grid keeps increasing. If still rows are added after the height of the grid reaches initially set height, the grid gets taller and its new rows are displayed over (or under, on the z-axis) \[code\]pnlLower\[/code\] and its controls.I want that as the grid grows in height, the panel below, i.e. \[code\]pnlLower\[/code\] (and all other panels below it) should keep moving lower to make room for the grid indefinitely. I do not want to set a maximum height for the grid.How do I do that?