Keep Getting ERROR E-MAILS?????

he is 2ill

New Member
My VB is running perfectly fine, but I keep getting tons of this e-mail to my selected admin address:

Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2008 23:39:56 -0400 [06/05/2008 11:39:56 PM EDT]
From: miguel@*****
To: miguel@*****
Subject: vBulletin Database Error!
Headers: Show All Headers
Database error in vBulletin :

Cannot use database onlyni_vb

MySQL Error : Access denied for user 'onlynina_admin'@'localhost' to database 'onlyni_vb'
Error Number : 1044
Request Date : Thursday, June 5th 2008 @ 11:39:56 PM
Error Date : Thursday, June 5th 2008 @ 11:39:56 PM
Script : http://onlyni*****/***/
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username :
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
I am guessing that you need to be talking to your hosting support to solve this one:

MySQL Manual:

If you try to connect as root and get the following error, it means that you do not have a row in the user table with a User column value of 'root' and that mysqld cannot resolve the hostname for your client:

Access denied for user ''@'unknown' to database mysql

In this case, you must restart the server with the --skip-grant-tables option and edit your /etc/hosts file or \windows\hosts file to add an entry for your host.