Keep functionality change the styling of direction description side panel


New Member
I'm using google-maps-api-3. I have a page where i show the direction description and i want a completely different style. I know i can take the data from the response object. But how can i keep the links alive and working? e.g when i press an alternative route, this forces the map to change the route without me doing anything. Can i keep this functionality or if i don't call the setPanel method i lose it?\[code\] globVars.directionsService.route(request, function(response, status) { $.mobile.loading('hide'); if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) { globVars.directionsDisplay.setDirections(response); var $can = $("#detailscan"); $can.html(""); globVars.directionsDisplay.setPanel($can[0]); refresh(; } else {alert('no_route');} }); \[/code\]});Working example here