Kaltura Install on Plesk / Media Temple DV3.5 apachectl error

Jetl Attack

New Member
Some pain today as with everything new and exciting. I am attempting to install Kaltura CE on a subdomain on my Media Temple DV runnning plesk 8.6.0. I get to a step that asks for my \[code\]apachectl\[/code\] path and I enter correctly but keep getting errors as listed below. I do know this is meant to be on a dedicated box but as with everything I am sure there is a way to make it work.\[code\]> /usr/sbin/apachectlThe path you inserted is not valid. Please try again.The full pathname to your Apache apachectl/apache2ctl file:Examples:/usr/bin/apachectl/usr/bin/apache2ctl/opt/lampp/bin/apachectlsh: /which: No such file or directorysh: /which: No such file or directory> \[/code\]As always, any and all help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.