Justify paragraphs?


How do I justify a paragraph, instead of centering, like in Microsoft Word or how they do it in magazines. Is there an HTML tag for this, i tried<br />
(p align="justify)paragraph(/p)<br />
With <> instead of () of course<br />
<br />
didnt work, so how do you do it?<br />
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Also, I like this vBulliten, where can I purchase this script?<!--content-->To my best knowledge, there is no justify attribute for html, CSS possibly (I'll look around to see if I can find any examples). <br />
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As far as this bulletin board goes, you can buy it at:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://vbulletin.com/">http://vbulletin.com/</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Hope this will suit you:<br />
<br />
Syntax: text-align: <value><br />
<br />
Possible Values: left | right | center | justify<br />
<br />
Initial Value: Determined by browser<br />
<br />
Applies to: Block-level elements<br />
<br />
Inherited: Yes<br />
<br />
<br />
The text-align property can be applied to block-level elements (P, H1, etc.) to give the alignment of the element's text. This property is similar in function to HTML's ALIGN attribute on paragraphs, headings, and divisions.<br />
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Some examples follow:<br />
<br />
H1 { text-align: center }<br />
P.newspaper { text-align: justify }<!--content-->yes jason, that works, as I have used it before, and it seems to be ok in netscape 4.7<!--content-->You don't need to use CSS<br />
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<P align=justify> Should work fine?<!--content-->yes, this <P align=justify> will work now, but in the future we will use CSS for most (if not all) formatting of text. Jason is on the track of things that will be forward compatible, while working with our existing browsers.<!--content-->I have a vague idea of what that may mean (justify) and have seen that term used but would someone tell me just what justifying text does? I just added a report on my site that is just text and am wondering if this would be something that would make it look better. If you want to take a peek (it's just plain, basic HTML) it's <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.justjeni.com/buyerbeware.html">http://www.justjeni.com/buyerbeware.html</a><!-- m --><!--content-->In Microsoft Word you have the options to center, align left, align right and justify your text. The text on your page is centered. I don't think your text would be improved if you justified it, but I do know one thing: Get rid of the Times New Roman text!<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.associationonline.co.uk/dave/roman.html">http://www.associationonline.co.uk/dave/roman.html</a><!-- m --><!--content-->You don't like my Times Roman or whatever?? Aww...<br />
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In all honesty, I just typed that up with whatever was set as default in Word. I have a lot to learn with word, but and this is the gospel truth, I have switched to using Arial for my articles about two weeks ago. I will change the font to Arial. <br />
You made me laugh! That page is funny! May I inquire as to why you hate that font so much? Just because it really is ugly? :-)<!--content-->It's changed! :D<!--content-->Newspaper columns are justified. It means that a paragraph will be spaced so that the left and right sides are squared off, and even (all the same width exactly, without any jagged text). You can take a piece of paper and line it up along side of a justified paragraph without cutting off a single letter.<!--content-->That makes sense. But you can't do this with HTML, correct?<!--content-->Yes you CAN do this with HTML, see the top of this thread.<br />
(And the reason I hate times new roman so much is...well, I'm very strange) :D<!--content-->You mean the post about justifying in word?<!--content-->Sorry, hurried though the posts - you mean <P align=justify>? What about the "" ?<!--content-->Sorry - hurrying too much, rather, the <P align-justify>? Do you need the " " with the word justify?<!--content-->Originally posted by Kouryaku Software <br />
How do I justify a paragraph, instead of centering, like in Microsoft Word or how they do it in magazines. Is there an HTML tag for this, i tried<br />
(p align="justify)paragraph(/p)<br />
With <> instead of () of course<br />
<br />
didnt work, so how do you do it?<br />
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Also, I like this vBulliten, where can I purchase this script? <br />
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Justjeni:<br />
This is what this thread is about. This guy wanted to know how to justify text in a html document and Jason and John Irvine told him how to.<!--content-->