Just switched from phpbb3 to vBulletin- couldn't be happier but now Q's....


New Member
Hello all. I'm glad I found this website :)

I just moved from phpbb3 to vBulletin.

Now I had some mods for phpbb3 that I now need to vBulletin.

1). "You must reply to see content" - mod

2). "You must be registered to see content" - mod

3). A YouTube video code???

4). A popular and good chat program (I'm talking about the ones that are used on most forums)

5). Image resizing / lightbox viewer like this: The YnD - View Single Post - adding new stuff to the site (list)

6). How to have compact forum viewing? I.E. Entertainment Section (category) > Movies Download (subforum) > Asian (forum) American (forum) African (forum).

7). How to move posts from one forum to another forum?

Thank you all and I hope to see some good answers ^_^!
I suggest you use the search feature at the top of the page right hand size...and im sure you will find what your looking for. Please read the rules while doing so.
1. Search for "resurrection"
2. You can set permissions from admincp or use hide mod (see NO*1)
3. Found
4. Any found on vBTEAM are good its just upto your preference
5. Search "lytebox" or "image resize"
6. when creating a forum set the parent to a forum rather then the catagory
7. top (Thread tools) & bottom (Moderation) of each post theres a dropdown with this option

hahahah who wrote in the tags?

happier, phpbb3, switched, vbulletin


edit: what i'm trying to do is...

if you can see there
the forum looks compact and stuff

i've tried doin it but it doesnt work...


so instead of
Category > Forum > Forum
> Forum

I have to make it like
Category > Category > Forum
> Forum