I've just seen that our web-site listed within local providers directory and it has been already at global providers directory for years.Now I have 2 question.1- Google usually shows our Dmoz desription as web-site description and I assume Google ranks also based on Dmoz description but now what will Google thought, the old and global providers directory listed description or local directory's listed description?2- They have different descriptions, may be subject to a ban? Any example of this at past?I believe it is ok to be listed twice in dmoz - once in a relevant area related to your site contente.g. ....//dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Accessibility/) and once in a regional area (e.g. ....//dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/California/Localities/S/Sunset_Beach/) And I have not heard of any site being banned by Google for teo dmoz listings.Google ranks on many things (over 100 if you are to believe them) so I doubt the different descriptions matter much there. Anyway, with potentially hundreds or thousands of links to any website on the internet it is virtually impossible to have descriptions be the same on all links.Google ranks on many factors...and description is one of them. Having two DMOZ entries means you should rank better for keywords associated to each directory entry.Lucky you!That must be nice...I been trying to get listed there for the longest time sometimes i think I'll never get listed, but you just gave me hope