Just found this nifty php form mailing script... Opinions?<


I just found this nifty script at StarGeek.com (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.stargeek.com/scripts.php?script=12&cat=blog">http://www.stargeek.com/scripts.php?script=12&cat=blog</a><!-- m -->)

basically, it lets you allow a visitor to your site to enter data, questions, responces ( or whatever you'd like ) into a form then send it to you via your 'server's e-mail...

i haven't tried this out yet, what do you guys think about it? good-script/bad-script, missing something important, reveals too much ( if you send it to the visitors e-mail instead of yours ), etc etc...

hmmmm... didn't we get people asking for something like this not too long ago? ;)http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=31536&perpage=15&pagenumber=2

about halfway down;
I tried the same script your referring to,
and I found out part of it (ini_set part)
was perl, not php... Best advise, is to go to
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.HotScripts.com">www.HotScripts.com</a><!-- w --> & grab a script from there.couple of thing i don't like about it.

1. must have register_global=on
2. must have short_tag=on
3. why
if ($_POST)
instead of
if (isset($_POST['userEmail'])) {

4. miss "\n\n\n\n" after userMessage and before the "this email was sent...."

5. it has a <a> tag in an email message, email should be plain text.

6. no doctype

7. sometime ' and sometime "

8. if refresh, the email will be resent

9. why the eval thing??

that about all i can found about that script !!the script sucks. I have not seen anybody able to get it to run without seriously modifing it.

for one you do not have to enter all theat sendmail stuff as it is already in the ini file on the server.