Just cant set margins


Hi,<br />
I have trouble with all my margins on pages. The top and left align to the very top ok but the right and bottom always have a little white space. This space goes away after I reload the page. Here is the body code Im using:<br />
<BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF link="#0070A0" vlink="#0070A0" alink="#0000FF" leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0><br />
Shouldn't this work? I think the only problem is in IE6 as I dont think I had this in IE5.<br />
Thanks,<br />
Paul<!--content-->try including:<br />
<br />
rightmargin=0 bottommargin=0<br />
<br />
and see if that helps for IE.<br />
<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Thanks Kevin it seems to be working. I cant say it will work forever as it changed the margins around randomly butI refreshed, followed links, and did other things to access the page and the margins are set ok.<br />
Thanks,<br />