Just after some feedback...


Hey ppl, i'm about to redesign a site that was made about 3 years ago, it's <frameset> based a consists of about 9 or 10 topics, i'm going to redo it with iframes for various reasons & was wondering if i should refresh every iframe each time a topic is clicked or just do 1 iframe per topic, i was going to go for the latter, so the only iframe that refreshes is the one related to that topic, i thought i'd post this to get some feedback as 1 for 1 so to speak may be faster to load but if there is a problem with 1 of the iframes it wont get refreshed untill the topic is pressed if not ever if it loads only once at the start... jaeman}:-)<!--content-->As long as you test the site over and over before making it live i cant see a problem with just refreshing the one iframe.<br />
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Bonkom :pimp:<!--content-->thanks Bonkom, that's what i really wont to do, like to get more feedback with the yay's & nay's so i have everything covered b4 commencing... jaeman;)<!--content-->I'd just refresh the one...I haven't had any problems with doing it that way.<!--content-->