June Google Dance


New Member
The Google Dance is underway and currently 2 of the 9 datacenters have the new index. They are:http://www-fi.google.com/http://www-dc.google.com/The old index shows 617,000 linkbacks for yahoo and the new index is currently showing 799,000 linkbacks for yahoo.can you please explain a little more for those of us who are not google-savvy? Please see this post for everything you want to know about why Google dances:http://www.ozzu.com/viewtopic.php?t=470A third datacenter (www-sj.google.com) has now been updated to the latest index. So now 3 of 9 datacenters at Google have the newest. They are as follows:http://www-fi.google.com/http://www-dc.google.com/http://www-sj.google.com/The update is 33% complete.Another one was just updated too (www-va.google.com). So now all the updated datacenters for google are:http://www-fi.google.com/ http://www-dc.google.com/ http://www-sj.google.com/ http://www-va.google.com/That makes 4 of the 9 datacenters updated.The dance seems to be moving along pretty fast. 6 of 9 datacenters are now changed. The ones that have been changed are as follows:http://www-fi.google.com/ http://www-dc.google.com/ http://www-sj.google.com/ http://www-va.google.com/ http://www-ab.google.com/ http://www-zu.google.com/7 of 9 datacenters have now changed. They new one that has updated is:http://www-ex.google.com/All 3 Servers at Google-Dance are at 799...Just so you know the www2 and www3 are always set to one of the new datacenters. As far as the main http://www.google.com server you may or may not get the 799,000 results as it will change depending on what their dns server resolves the domain to. Normally the DNS results expire after 5 minutes, which means after it expires you may indeed get one of the other 9 datacenters then. If you get a datacenter that hasn't updated, then your results will not match the www2 and www3 server. That is why in this post I talk about the 9 datacenters and not the www2 and www3 servers, as they will always point to the new results once the dance begins. As the dance moves along the main www server will show more and more often the new results as well.As an example, lets say 50% of the datacenters have changed to the new data. This means you have approximately a 50% chance for 5 minutes that when you goto the main www google server, you will get the old data. (Note this isn't exactly true, as the google dns servers will make http://www.google.com resolve into the IP of the datacenter probably with the least amount of load, location, and probably many other factors).Anyway I also want to now point out that 8 of the 9 datacenters have now changed, and the dance is almost complete. The only one that hasn't changed yet is:http://www-in.google.com/Well, I've heard from other boards that it still appears as If google is still dancing.. BigWeb, any qord on that?Well all the backlinks are the same now, but the SERPS seem to be in constant flux between the different data centers. I am not sure if this is because there is some kind of dance still going on, or if this is something new google is doing to keep the results fresh and always changing. Google has been acting a bit strange.