jumpage function not working


New Member
can anyone make this work? the select one menu with another fuction works fine but the jumpPage function keeps bouncing me back to the original page. i have only put one sub category aray in for brevity! any help would be much appreciated many thanks pat

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>


var adclassValue = new Array("", "B", "A", "F", "H", "L", "M", "N", "C", "P", "R", "J", "T");

var adclassText = new Array("CATEGORY", "Business", "Drive", "Family", "Home", "Leisure", "Music", "Notices", "Compu-Ads", "Personal", "Property", "Sits Vac", "Travel");

var ValueA = new Array("", "A01 Agricultural Vehicles", "A02 Bicycle Accessories", "A03 Bicycles", "A04 Breaking & Salvage", "A05 Car Sales under $1000", "A06 Cars - Accessories & Spares", "A07 Collectors Cars", "A08 Commercial Access./Spares", "A09 Commercial Vehicle Sales", "A10 Garage Equipment", "A11 Garages to Sale/Rent/Build", "A12 Helmets, Boots & Clothing", "A13 In Car Hi-Fi", "A14 Scooters, Spares & Accs", "A15 Motorcycle Spares & Accs", "A16 Motorcycles", "A17 Registration Plates", "A18 Salvage, Breaking, Recovery", "A19 Motorcross & Trial Bikes", "A20 Security & Alarms", "A21 Hire & Leasing", "A22 Auto Finance & Insurance", "A23 Trailers", "A24 Vintage Motorcycles", "A25 Wheels & Tyres", "A26 Workshop Manuals", "A27 Share Drive", "houstonfreeadds/non_autos_advert_form.php?A28 Cars Sales A-Z", "A29 Car Valeting", "A30 Motorcycle Servicing/Repair", "A31 Servicing, MOTs & Repairs", "A32 Driving Instruction", "A33 Plant Machinery for Sale/Hire", "A34 Aircraft","A35 Aircraft-Spares&Acces");

var TextA = new Array("All", "Agricultural Vehicles", "Bicycle Accessories", "Bicycles", "Breaking & Salvage", "Car Sales under $1000", "Cars - Accessories & Spares", "Collectors Cars", "Commercial Access./Spares", "Commercial Vehicle Sales", "Garage Equipment", "Garages to Sale/Rent/Build.", "Helmets, Boots & Clothing", "In Car Hi-Fi", "Scooters, Spares & Accs", "Motorcycle Spares & Accs.", "Motorcycles", "Registration Plates.", "Salvage, Breaking, Recovery", "Motorcross & Trial Bikes", "Security & Alarms", "Hire & Leasing", "Auto Finance & Insurance.", "Trailers", "Vintage Motorcycles", "Wheels & Tyres", "Workshop Manuals", "Share Drive", "Cars Sales A-Z", "Car Valeting", "Motorcycle Servicing/Repair", "Servicing, MOTs & Repairs", "Driving Instruction", "Plant Machinery for Sale/Hire","Aircraft","Aircraft-Spares&Acces");

function resetOptions(){


the_select.options.length = adclassValue.length;

for (i=0; i < adclassValue.length; i++){

the_select.options.text = adclassText;

the_select.options.value = adclassValue;


the_select.selectedIndex = 0;


the_select.options.length = 1;

the_select.options[0].text = "SUB-CATEGORY";

the_select.options[0].value = "";

the_select.selectedIndex = 0;


function swapOptions(the_array_name){

if (the_array_name == ""){




// Set the variables to hold the section text and value array names

var adclassValueArray = eval("Value" + the_array_name);

var adclassTextArray = eval("Text" + the_array_name);


// set the number of selectable options to the number of products

the_select.options.length = adclassValueArray.length;

for (i=0; i < adclassValueArray.length; i++){

the_select.options.text = adclassTextArray;

the_select.options.value = adclassValueArray;



// -->

<!-- Hide script from old browsers

function jumpPage(newLoc) {

/*if value passed is "" ie a category title do nothing*/
if(myform.newLocation.value == ""){
var $submission_cat="";
else {
/* if the value passed is the autos search no need for search.php*/
if(myform.newLocation.value == "category=A28 Cars Sales A-Z") {
var $submission_cat="autos_advert_form.php?";

else {
/* if it's not autos or category title we need to go to search.php*/
if(myform.newLocation.value != "category=A28 Cars Sales A-Z") {
var $submission_cat="non_autos_advert_form.php?";


newPage =$submission_cat+newLoc.options[newLoc.selectedIndex].value

if (newPage !="") {

window.location = newPage
// End hiding script from old browsers -->


<FORM name=searchdetails method=get>
If you want to browse through the advertsk on a section below
and then select a category from the list.
<select onChange=swapOptions(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);
<option value=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"" selected>CATEGORY</option>
<option>Sits Vac</option>
<select name="category" onsubmit="jumpPage(this.form.category)">
<option value="" selected>SUB-CATEGORY</option>
<option value="">All</option>
<input name="submit" type=submit value=submit>
