can anyone make this work? the select one menu with another fuction works fine but the jumpPage function keeps bouncing me back to the original page. i have only put one sub category aray in for brevity! any help would be much appreciated many thanks pat
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var $submission_cat="autos_advert_form.php?";
else {
/* if it's not autos or category title we need to go to search.php*/
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window.location = newPage
// End hiding script from old browsers -->
<FORM name=searchdetails method=get>
If you want to browse through the advertsk on a section below
and then select a category from the list.
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<option>Sits Vac</option>
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<option value="">All</option>
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var TextA = new Array("All", "Agricultural Vehicles", "Bicycle Accessories", "Bicycles", "Breaking & Salvage", "Car Sales under $1000", "Cars - Accessories & Spares", "Collectors Cars", "Commercial Access./Spares", "Commercial Vehicle Sales", "Garage Equipment", "Garages to Sale/Rent/Build.", "Helmets, Boots & Clothing", "In Car Hi-Fi", "Scooters, Spares & Accs", "Motorcycle Spares & Accs.", "Motorcycles", "Registration Plates.", "Salvage, Breaking, Recovery", "Motorcross & Trial Bikes", "Security & Alarms", "Hire & Leasing", "Auto Finance & Insurance.", "Trailers", "Vintage Motorcycles", "Wheels & Tyres", "Workshop Manuals", "Share Drive", "Cars Sales A-Z", "Car Valeting", "Motorcycle Servicing/Repair", "Servicing, MOTs & Repairs", "Driving Instruction", "Plant Machinery for Sale/Hire","Aircraft","Aircraft-Spares&Acces");
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the_select.options[0].value = "";
the_select.selectedIndex = 0;
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if (the_array_name == ""){
// Set the variables to hold the section text and value array names
var adclassValueArray = eval("Value" + the_array_name);
var adclassTextArray = eval("Text" + the_array_name);
// set the number of selectable options to the number of products
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the_select.options.text = adclassTextArray;
the_select.options.value = adclassValueArray;
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/*if value passed is "" ie a category title do nothing*/
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var $submission_cat="";
else {
/* if the value passed is the autos search no need for search.php*/
if(myform.newLocation.value == "category=A28 Cars Sales A-Z") {
var $submission_cat="autos_advert_form.php?";
else {
/* if it's not autos or category title we need to go to search.php*/
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var $submission_cat="non_autos_advert_form.php?";
newPage =$submission_cat+newLoc.options[newLoc.selectedIndex].value
if (newPage !="") {
window.location = newPage
// End hiding script from old browsers -->
<FORM name=searchdetails method=get>
If you want to browse through the advertsk on a section below
and then select a category from the list.
<select onChange=swapOptions(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);
<option value="" selected>CATEGORY</option>
<option>Sits Vac</option>
<select name="category" onsubmit="jumpPage(this.form.category)">
<option value="" selected>SUB-CATEGORY</option>
<option value="">All</option>
<input name="submit" type=submit value=submit>