JSTL: accessing the second xml dom variable in a <x:forEach>


New Member
I'm trying to access a second xmldom in a loop.\[code\]<c:import var="some1xml" url="/xml/some1.xml"/><c:import var="some2xml" url="/xml/some2.xml"/><x:parse xml="${some1xml}" var="some1"/><x:parse xml="${some2xml}" var="some2"/><x:forEach select="$some1xml/config/seats/seat[@id > $Start and @id < $End]" var="seats"> <x:out select="$some2xml/root/name[@id='$seats/@id']"/></x:forEach>\[/code\]But it won't return me anything. Not even when I remove the xpath condition.When I place it above the forEach it does return me data so the parse is succesfull.What could be wrong or is this normal behaviour in JSTL?