I have a table tag\[code\]<table width="100%" align="center"/>\[/code\]And so far Jsoup provides\[code\]Document document =Jsoup.parse(htmlString);document.select("table[width=100%],table[align=center]");\[/code\]And this is OR comination i.e. if any one matches then elements are populated.In order to select table having width =100% and align =center I have done following\[code\]Elements element =document.select("table[align=center]");element =element.select("table[width=100%]");\[/code\]So what I am asking is that just like this OR combination\[code\]document.select("table[width=100%],table[align=center]");\[/code\]is there any AND combination selector i.e. table having width =100% and align =center.Thanks in advance