Jsoup can't read xml return file


New Member
I'm facing some problems with Jsoup. I'm trying to retrieve an xml file from Open Movie Database using their API in my beta Android app.Their API documentation says if the return type will be an xml just put an "r=" and the return file type.I've tested with some requests. Below one of them:\[code\]Jsoup.connect(http://www.omdbapi.com/?i=tt1285016&r=xml).get();\[/code\]Testing on a browser works fine. But on android no. Any exception is thrown. If I don't insert the return file type, it returns a JSON. In this case I receive the data.To make sure if the problem is with xml file. I've teste with MusicBrainz API. By default it returns XML. For my surprise works fine.What is the problem? The return type of open movie database of Jsoup?