So what I am trying to have is the following parsed json.
Instead, I am getting \[code\]Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Data'\[/code\] the error.
I am sure that the error is not with getting the data from the database, it works fine when I dont try to parse it.
PS: I am suing asp extreme's plugin here.\[code\] { "checkins": { "data": [ { "strFirstName": "james", "strDateEntered": "2013-03-01 15:13:49" }, { "strFirstName": "john", "strDateEntered": "2013-03-05 15:13:49" } ] }} \[/code\]codes:\[code\]Set Dataset = JSON.parse("{}")Dataset.set "checkins", JSON.parse("{ ""data"": [] }")SQL = "SELECT C.CheckinID, C.MemberID, C.VENUENAME, C.VenueLat, C.VenueLng, C.VENUECREATEDAT, C.CheckInDateEntered"SQL = SQL & " FROM CHECKINS C"SQL = SQL & " ORDER BY VENUECREATEDAT DESC" Set objCheckins = objConn.Execute(SQL)If NOT objCheckins.EOF Then Do While NOT objCheckins.EOF SQL = "SELECT FirstName, LastName" SQL = SQL & " FROM MEMBERS" Set objMember = objConn.Execute(SQL) Set Record = JSON.parse("{}") Record.set "strFirstName", ""& objMember("FirstName") & "" Record.set "strDateEntered", ""& objCheckins("VENUECREATEDAT") & "" Set Record = nothing Data =, null, 2) objCheckins.Movenext LoopEnd IfobjCheckins.CloseSet objCheckins = NothingResponse.Write Data\[/code\]
Instead, I am getting \[code\]Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Data'\[/code\] the error.
I am sure that the error is not with getting the data from the database, it works fine when I dont try to parse it.
PS: I am suing asp extreme's plugin here.\[code\] { "checkins": { "data": [ { "strFirstName": "james", "strDateEntered": "2013-03-01 15:13:49" }, { "strFirstName": "john", "strDateEntered": "2013-03-05 15:13:49" } ] }} \[/code\]codes:\[code\]Set Dataset = JSON.parse("{}")Dataset.set "checkins", JSON.parse("{ ""data"": [] }")SQL = "SELECT C.CheckinID, C.MemberID, C.VENUENAME, C.VenueLat, C.VenueLng, C.VENUECREATEDAT, C.CheckInDateEntered"SQL = SQL & " FROM CHECKINS C"SQL = SQL & " ORDER BY VENUECREATEDAT DESC" Set objCheckins = objConn.Execute(SQL)If NOT objCheckins.EOF Then Do While NOT objCheckins.EOF SQL = "SELECT FirstName, LastName" SQL = SQL & " FROM MEMBERS" Set objMember = objConn.Execute(SQL) Set Record = JSON.parse("{}") Record.set "strFirstName", ""& objMember("FirstName") & "" Record.set "strDateEntered", ""& objCheckins("VENUECREATEDAT") & "" Set Record = nothing Data =, null, 2) objCheckins.Movenext LoopEnd IfobjCheckins.CloseSet objCheckins = NothingResponse.Write Data\[/code\]