JSON not displaying all values passed by string


New Member
A div contains a table with 3 rows, a textarea and a button.Using JSON the 3 rows display the correct info but the textarea is showing blank. I want it to display the previous record in the DB.\[code\] function ChangeLoadingImage(CommentSuccessfullyUpdated) { if (CommentSuccessfullyUpdated != "FALSE") { var x = jQuery.parseJSON(CommentSuccessfullyUpdated); $("#Item").text(x.Item); $("#Description").text(x.Description); $("#Price").text(x.Price); $("#ExistingComments").text(x.ExistingComments); } else if (CommentSuccessfullyUpdated == "False") { showLoadingImage.src = "http://stackoverflow.com/questions/Images/X.png"; } } <div id="dialog" title="Comments" style="display:none;"> <table class="detailstable FadeOutOnEdit"> <tr> <th>Item</th> <th>Description</th> <th>Owed</th> </tr> <tr> <td id="Item"></td> <td id="Description"></td> <td id="Price"></td> </tr> </table> <br /> <textarea id="ExistingComments" type="text" runat="server" rows="7" maxlength="2000"> </textarea> <input id="SubmitComment" type="button" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15547355/Submit" onclick="SubmitButton()" /> </div>\[/code\]All the correct values are returning in the string. But instead of naming the td, iv named the textarea, but it isn't showing up. Any ideas as to why?\[code\]String result = "{" + string.Format("\"Item\": \"{0}\", \"Description\": \"{1}\", \"Price\": \"{2}\", \"ExistingComments\": \"{3}\"", Item, Description, Price, ExistingComments) + "}"; return result;\[/code\]