JSON instead of XML for complex architecture [closed]

I'm working as the lead Designer and User experience expert on a large project that uses a complex architecture based in layers of services. We have an Oracle database, a Data Access Layer, a Buisness Layer, Reporting Service layer, a Validation service layer, Audit service layer and finally a Presentation layer.All the layers are currently communicating in XML. The Data Access layer contains database functions called by XML queries.Each time I land on a page, a message is sent from the presentation layer to the validation service to know if I'm a valid user, then jumps to data access, retrieve the info, comes back by the business service do some calculation and conversions and between all of those steps, the Audit service get information. Finally the information is displayed on a page after going through the Reporting service (responsible for creating Pie charts) and ends up on the presentation layer for the Masterpage, CSS and Javascript fun stuff.The data retrieved is quite large. We use Base64 for the user's profile picture (not actually his picture but A picture). We generate Pie charts and data tables from the retrieved data and we do calculations etc. The goal of the architecture is to be flexible enough to be consumed by any possible services. So let say a company would like to use our system containing precious information it needs to be both secure and flexible.I know that JSON works really good on mobile devices. The research I did told me that JSON is best fitted for data exchange and mobile applications. Apparently Twitter completely turned to JSON. But I also fell on someone's blog with graphics showing that JSON lose performance on larger data processing. Edward's blog.I can already say that our system will be used on tablets by company taking large amount of data from their client. By large I mean completing a form with over a 100 questions and also taking pictures and notes.We use ASP.NET with C#Thanks for the help and sorry for being vague but I can't really give details about the project itself. I can answer questions as much as possible.Update Sorry I was so much into explain my situation I forgot to say the actual question. What is the best option between JSON and XML for large systems with flexibility, mobile use and performance in mind?