js to detect/redirect screen resolution


Hi there,<br />
<br />
I Download <!--more-->ed a js from this site ( I think the only one here..?) to detect screen resolution of the user and redirect accordingly to different sites. <br />
It works on PC and Mac using Netscape<br />
I f you're looking at it on a Mac with IE 5.1 (or any IE) you get a white screen. If you refresh or resize the browser window, that seems to stimulate the images to appear, but otherwis e the user sees nothing but a white screen. Any fix?<br />
Or any recommended JS that is fully cross platform to Mac?<br />
Here's the site:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.pacwestathletics.com">http://www.pacwestathletics.com</a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
thanks for any help you can send my way!<br />
Desperately seeking help,<br />