jquery xml parsing to find a node with a particular attribute without loooping


New Member
I have this xml file -payload.xml\[code\]<Remoting><Response> <Controller id="c"> <Messages/> <StructData name="Root"> <F name="@ErrorOccured"/> <F name="@TransitionErrorOccurred"/> <List name="DataList" aspect="Delete"/> <List name="DataList" aspect="New"> <Item name="001"> <F name="CreationDateTime" >2012/04/26</F> <F name="ProductDescription" /> </Item> <Item name="01F"> <F name="CreationDateTime" >2012/08/09</F> <F name="ProductDescription" >Smartphone 16GB</F> </Item> <Header name="@tableSize">316 </Header> </List> </StructData> <Events> <Event event="$Core" operation="$AddRow" path="/Root/DataList"/> </Events> </Controller> </Response></Remoting>\[/code\]I want to extract a node with particular name and particular attribute, eg.g if I want to extract\[code\]<Item name="001"> <F name="CreationDateTime" >2012/04/26</F> <F name="ProductDescription" /> </Item>\[/code\]Is there any way to do it in one way without looping through all elements of .find('Item')e.g. can I do something like .find('Item') - > attribute name = '001'Thanks