JQuery XML Parsing Multi-Level Of Same Element


New Member
this is my first question here and I am quite new to web development world. I have a simple question so I don't want to annoy you with all my code, I'll make you a simpler example:I have an XML that looks like this, lets call it "example.xml":\[code\]<a> <b>1</b> <a> <b>2</b> <c>3</c> </a></a>\[/code\]So there are multi-levels of 'a' containing or not a 'c' element. When I am parsing this xml using \[code\]$.ajax({type: "GET",async: false, cache: false, url: "example.xml",dataType: "xml",success: parseXml, error: function(xhr, status, error) {alert(error)}});\[/code\]parseXml would go like this :\[code\]function parseXml(xml){ var result = new Object() $(xml).find('a').each(function(){ result.b = $(this).find('b:first').text() result.c = $(this).find('c:first').text() }}\[/code\]So my problem here is that this JQuery will find a 'c' into the first level 'a' even if there is not. I think it searches within the second 'a' to find a 'c'. That's why I needed to add ":first:" into the find() function so that it wouldn't return me the second 'b'... I think it is not the best way to go, since if the 'b' was declared after the second level 'a', I would have got the second level 'b' instead... I don't know if you are following but here would be my question:[*]Is that a proposer XML file?[*]If it is not, assuming I can't change it, how can I get a propoper XML parser that wouldn't get its information from the second level?Thanks you so much for your help!