i have a childpage.aspx in masterpage and i am trying to validate required field in childpage through masterpage, the following code i have write in masterpage to validate\[code\]$(document).ready(function() { var container = $('#sam586'); $("#aspnetForm").validate( { errorContainer: container, //errorClass: "invalid", errorLabelContainer: $("#sam586"), wrapper: 'li', meta: "validate", rules: { ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtUserName: { required:true }, ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtPassword: { required:true }, ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtFirstName: { required:true }, ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtLastName: { required:true }, ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ddlDepartment: { required:true }, ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ddlDesignation: { required:true }, ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtEmail: { required:true, email:true }, ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ddlStatus: { required:true }, ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ddlRole: { required:true } }, messages: { ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtUserName:"Please enter username", ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtPassword:"Please enter password", ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtFirstName:"please enter first name", ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtLastName:"Please enter last name", ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ddlDepartment:"Select Department", ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ddlDesignation:"Select Designation", ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtEmail:"Enter proper email address", ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ddlStatus:"Select Status", ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ddlRole:"Select Role" } }); });\[/code\]when is try all this stuff in single aspx page it work perfectly.but the problem is i want to show validation erro in div tag name
"sam586") which later will be converted into the greypopup with the help of jquery .so any one can helpme out ,or any suggestion is appreciable.thanks in advance.